Commitment for Life (CfL) is the world development programme of the United Reformed Church. CfL works in partnership with Christian Aid and Global Justice.
CfL encourages us as a participating church to take action, pray and give for people across the world but especially in our four partner countries/region of Bangladesh, Central America, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and Zimbabwe.
Our partner region is currently Central America – Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. In previous years we partnered Zimbabwe and prior to that Bangladesh.
Each year a Sunday morning service is devoted to thinking about Commitment for Life, giving us an opportunity to spend time together thinking about the challenges of life in the partner countries.
CfL also encourages us to campaign (including through Global Justice Now), getting involved and taking action, whether it be signing a petition, sending a letter or joining a rally. Campaigns currently focus on:
More information
For more information about CfL in general, go to: https://www.urc.org.uk/our-work/commitment-for-life.html
For more information about Global Justice Now, see http://www.globaljustice.org.uk/